The Life and Times of a Country Boy who found a Computer....

Hello, I guess that since you are reading this you must want to actually see some real content on here...well, it's down a little farther...this is just my little rambling hello, greeting you to my site.

Hmmm, where should I begin....well, I guess that I should start off by saying, everything on this page is mine unless otherwise noted, so if you take images or other things from my site, little trolls and gremlins are going to come and take you to where ever it is trolls and gremlins go and do mean and nasty things to you....  Ok, now that I have that said we'll get on with the site.

Here are just a few links to various places I go regularly
John A. Logan College  (I work and go to school here)
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Yeah, I know there aren't many links here...

Well, just in case anyone actually wants to know, here is just a little run down on me.

Well, that'll about do it for right now...I don't really have much time and when I do, I prefer to spend it on other things than working on this page, so it won't always be updated really fast.  I'll give it a good effort to get the work done on it, but don't be suprised if it just sits here for a year without ever changing...  Hope you enjoyed your little stay.

Here is the customary e-mail address btw...[email protected]